Wednesday, April 20, 2016

A Perfect Church

Jan and I have been visiting a church in The Woodlands.  They say, "There is no perfect church." A corollary to this is, "If you find one, don't join it, as you will ruin it!"

Still ... Jan suggested that I try out this church's Brew Night, a "guys night out" event in College Park, at the north end of The Woodlands.  The event is at a restaurant only 35 miles from Huntsville and just off the interstate, so just a 30-minute drive.  Maybe, Jan hopes, I can find some Christian guys who like beer, soccer and (maybe even) are interested in scientific/mathy things.

So last night I drove to Wings 'N More for a 6:30 pm Men's "Brew Night".  I tried to keep my expectations low. I am often uncomfortable with the "pseudo-religiosity" I see in various church events.  I got to the restaurant at 6:30 but there was already a table of about a dozen men, with big goblets of Shiner beer.  I ordered a goblet (16-20 ounces) of Shiner and a plate of wings.  I met Todd (Pastor of Community Life) and I chatted a little about small groups.  Todd made me feel welcome, as did Jim, Damon, Matt, Kyle (Pastor of Children's Ministries) and the senior pastor (David.)  All had big goblets of Shiner and were clearly enjoying this monthly get-together.

"So", Todd explains to me, "we do this on a monthly basis.  But sometimes we do a brewery tour, visiting Southern Star or B-52 or... " (he names a third local brewery that I've since forgotten.)  "Or we go to a soccer game."

Soccer!  Brewery tours!  This is too good to be true.  (And the pastor got a bachelors degree in Computer Science!)  I text Jan about the beer and soccer.

She writes back, "I think you're making this up!"  She adds, "They are probably just leading you on!" (She also reminds me that I have to drive home -- on I-45 -- and sends a smiley face.)

Shortly after that, the talk turns to dogs.  Todd and his wife have two.  Kyle has one, staying in St. Louis while he and his family live in an apartment.  Four of us spend 45 minutes telling dog stories. Then, in the warmth of the beer, spicy food and warm conversation, I walk out to my car.

Sitting in my car, I notice a text message from Jan, about 45 minutes old.  I had not seen it until then.

BUT, do they like dogs?!...  ;-)

She adds, "That is the real question!"

I knew she wouldn't believe me when I told her....

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